Expanding the Vision

At The Mentor Project, under the thoughtful guidance of Godfrey Reggio, we engage mentees in collaborative projects that transcend traditional boundaries. These initiatives not only incorporate Godfrey’s profound philosophical outlook but also harness the unique creative energies of each participant. This synthesis creates projects that are not only innovative but deeply meaningful.

The Godfrey Reggio Foundation is steadfast in its dedication to educational pursuits that elevate the capabilities of upcoming filmmakers, artists, and thinkers. Our comprehensive approach includes a range of dynamic interactions such as public discussions that foster a communal learning environment, hands-on workshops that offer practical skills, and accessible online resources that provide insights into the artistic and technical aspects of filmmaking. These resources aim to convey the unique techniques, philosophies, and the deep societal insights that are hallmarks of Godfrey Reggio's influential films. Our programs are designed to explore the rich potential of cinematic storytelling and the power of visual narratives, encouraging a new generation of creators to push the boundaries of conventional cinema.

Central to our philosophy is Godfrey Reggio’s concept of "Future Present." This guiding principle challenges participants to contemplate the relationships between past, present, and future, urging a deep reflection on how today’s choices will impact future generations. "Future Present" is a call to action, encouraging individuals to address immediate social challenges with innovative solutions that also consider long-term sustainability. This philosophy not only enriches our participants' understanding but also imbues their creative endeavors with a sense of urgency and relevance.

By promoting "Future Present," we aim to cultivate a community of filmmakers and artists who are not just skilled in their crafts but are also thoughtful citizens of the world. These individuals are encouraged to think critically about their role in shaping a sustainable future, integrating a forward-thinking approach in their work that is both reflective and visionary. Through The Mentor Project, we aspire to create a ripple effect of knowledge, creativity, and responsible action that extends well beyond our immediate reach.